News Archive
So, Fall 2023 was a bit busy for me (as evidenced by the update to Fall in Winter but nevertheless). It was filled with reviews and interviews. There is something for everyone: short novels, graphic novels, plays, and beadwork artists. So, please check them out, if you haven’t already.
I reviewed the graphic novel “Family Style” by Thein Pham for The Wave, Kelp Journal
I interviewed Diné artist Tommey Jodie for The Wave, Kelp Journal.
I reviewed the reading of the play “The Sons of Maui” by Lee Cataluna for The Wave, Kelp Journal
I reviewed Riot Baby by Tochi Onyebuchi for The Wave, Kelp Journal.
I reviewed Jeff Kronenfeld’s autobiographical graphic novel “Dog Years”, Illustrated by Russ Kazmierczak Jr..
I interviewed Brittany Fields about her photography, art, and education for The Wave
Can you believe the Spring we are having? Well 2023, is turning out to be pretty fabulous. In case you missed it, I reviewed Lungfish by Meghan Gilliss for Kelp Journal Issue #8.
I gave a workshop on Point of View for the lovely Mount Diablo Branch of the California Writer’s Club on March 11 and will be speaking about publishing at the Tri-Valley Branch on May 20th.
I will be at the Northern Arizona Book Festival, so come and say hello, if you are in the area.
I will be attending a number of other literary events, so make sure to check out my events section to stay up to date.
So, Fall has got me off and running, I read and reviewed a fabulous graphic retelling of The Secret Garden, entitled “The Secret Garden on 81st Street” by Ivy Noelle Weir Illustrated by Amber Padilla for The Wave.
I was also invited to participate in the first ever Nifty Lit reading, where I read my piece “Sick Day”.
July has been a busy month for me! My short story Sick Day was published by NiftyLit, Issue #7 of Kelp Journal was published which includes a review by yours truly, and Kelp Books’ craft book Published: A Craft Guide also came out. Check out my purchase section for details.
As of July 2022, I am the new assistant managing editor at Kelp Journal. Also, as of July 2022, Kelp Journal no longer has a photography section. Issue #7 is the last time you will see that section. It was so much fun to head that section for the last three years.
Starting at the beginning of 2022, I have become the editor of “The Wave” the weekly blog for Kelp Journal. Check it out here to see all that I have been up to.
Review of both the book and exhibit The Curious World of Seaweed by Josie Iselin for Kelp Journal.